Startseite / Meldungen / Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges appointed as a Senior Advisor to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section

Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges appointed as a Senior Advisor to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section

Our partner Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges was appointed as Senior Advisor to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section.  During the term running from August 10, 2021, to August 10, 2022, she will guide and assist the committee’s leadership.

The purposes of the renowned International Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA)  are to promote research in international law and to further its development; increase knowledge among members of the legal profession and the general public; to promote professional relationships with lawyers similarly engaged in foreign countries; and to implement Goal IV of the Association – „To advance the rule of law in the world.“

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