Home / News / Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges appointed to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the DIHK Court of Arbitration

Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges appointed to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the DIHK Court of Arbitration

The Presidium of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) has appointed our partner Prof. Dr. Renate Dendorfer-Ditges as a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the DIHK Court of Arbitration. The appointment is for the period from 2023 to 2026.

The DIHK represents the interests of German commerce on a national, European and international level. One of the statutory tasks of the DIHK is the establishment of the Court of Arbitration. It is intended to further develop Alternative Dispute Resolution for the commercial sector and to strengthen Germany as a business location. The Committee for Alternative Dispute Resolution advises the bodies of the DIHK in particular on the economic positioning of Alternative Dispute Resolution, the design and the further development of Alternative Dispute Resolution offerings, and the formulation of procedural and cost

DITGES advises on all aspects of arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution and has particular expertise and experience in commercial mediation.

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